Prevalence of tuberculosis in transgender women and according to HIV status in Lima, Peru

Vie, Jul 29 2022
J.E. Peinado Rodr铆guez, R. Errea, N.G. Hern谩ndez Llicahua, E. Gonzales Monzo, K. Ramos Carhuas, M.A. Tovar Huamani , L. Lecca


The study shows a high prevalence of tuberculosis (2.9%) in TW. Although the sample is small, the results suggest that the prevalence of tuberculosis is not only high in TW living with HIV (5.7%), but also in those without HIV (2%), compared to the prevalence in the general population (0.1%). More studies with stronger designs are required to assess whether TW have a higher burden of tuberculosis that warrants prioritizing this community within tuberculosis control activities in聽Peru.

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